The Eliza Baker Memorial Scholarship is an annual financial grant for recipients to use toward their college expenses. The scholarship is a four-year commitment, if the ballplayer remains a rostered player, academically eligible, and free of any disciplinary action by the team or university, including any criminal activity.
Participation for the scholarship is limited to only those ballplayers that played at least two (2) season Fort Hunt Little League players (A-Ball Division or higher), signed a National Letter of Intent to play baseball or softball at a NCAA Division I, II, III or NAIA institution, and be a graduating senior with all diploma requirements completed prior to graduation.
To be considered, applicants must submit the following information by the deadline:
1. A completed application form.
2. A type-written response to the application essay question.
3. Letter of Recommendation from a member of their high school baseball coaching staff.
4. Letter of Recommendation from a teacher.
5. Letter of Recommendation from a high school teammate.
6. A copy of the applicant’s signed National Letter of Intent.
7. A copy of the applicant’s current high school transcript.
8. A photograph of the applicant.
The completed application, essay and required documents must be submitted electronically to Tim Baker, President of the Eliza Baker Memorial Scholarship, by May 1, 2024, at Any application received after this date will not be considered, and make sure the photo is clearly visible. Please include in the subject line of the e-mail message: Application for the Eliza Baker Memorial Scholarship – [Your Last Name, First Name]. The applicant will receive notification that the application has been received. If notification is not received by the applicant within 24 hours, please resend the application.
The Board of Directors will empanel a Scholarship Selection Committee comprised of member of the Board of Directors, community leaders and friends of the scholarship to review the applications and select the recipients of the scholarship awards. The committee’s determination will be final. The selection will be based on meeting eligibility requirements and the information presented in a completed application package.
The recipients of the scholarship awards will be announced in mid- May 2024.
1. Maintain a roster spot to a post-secondary Division I, II, II or NAIA institution.
2. Remain academically eligible.
3. Be free of any disciplinary action by the team or university, including any criminal activity.
4. If injured, you may retain your scholarship as long you remain on the roster.
5. If you are cut from or no longer with the team, you would not have to repay the scholarship already received but would no longer be eligible for the future award.
The Eliza Baker Memorial Scholarship is registered as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and our EIN is 92-0474393. Contributions to Eliza Baker Memorial Scholarship are tax-deductible, and our IRS Determination Letter can be downloaded by clicking on the link below.